Archive | May, 2013

Calligraphy workshop for beginners

30 May

*** Plus Monday 16th September ***

Monday 15th July 2013           


with Ann Marchant

7.00-9.30pm (2 ½ hrs) at Brighton Road Baptist Church, Horsham


Our workshops are now covering most aspects of the diverse world of craft and we are now able to offer you this new workshop where you can learn the art of Calligraphy with Ann Marchant.

Calligraphy 1

This workshop will include:

– Outline of Equipment – types of pens, paper

– Different Styles of Calligraphy

– Ruling up Guide sheets

– Using Calligraphy Felt Pens – as they are easier to use for beginners

– Practising the main strokes to form letters

– Writing “Thank You” on a Greetings Card

– Decorate the card if enough time


You will also be given a Black Felt tip Calligraphy Pen, Guide Sheet, Alphabet and Worksheet to take home. This is a great opportunity especially if you make cards or scrapbook.



Suitable for: Beginners

Places:  limited to 6 places

Cost: £14

You will need to bring:  nothing, as all materials will be provided.


Email us on if you are interested and we can send you the booking form.

Charity Event: Jewellery Making for Cancer Research

29 May

Monday night sees another one of our charity project evenings which always prove to be great fun and a guaranteed good night out. Here is a review of our last charity evening making Pillowcase Dresses.

Last summer, over several craft cafes, a lot of new jewellery was created which we donated to Cancer Research in East Street. Victoria, the manageress there, reported that they had all sold really well so we thought that we would hold an event dedicated to making them some Spring/ Summer jewellery so that they can raise even more money for Cancer Research.

Local Jewellery Designer Kathy Thoms is very kindly coming along and giving her time to show us how to make these 3 items of jewellery.

29th April 2013 019

29th April 2013 017

These beautiful items (appologies for the terrible quality photos!) are made with new fittings and using recycled beads from old broken jewellery. There are 15 places for this part and if you wanted to keep the items you make the workshop will cost £10.

(please email us at for a booking form).

If you are making the items for Cancer Research then there is no charge; just please email us to let us know that you are coming.

We will also have additional ‘stations’ where you can learn how to make simple repairs to broken jewellery, fabric necklaces, large brooches and we will also be giving old bangles a new lease of life using colourful embroidery thread, like the pictures below. Again, all to be donated to Cancer Research for them to sell.

23rd May 2013 005(Fabric necklaces made using recycled large beads from broken necklaces and strips of scrap fabric)

IMG_7079(Old bangles wrapped with embroidery thread)

 Vintage Fair Horsham 061

(Large brooches suitable for coats made from felt and large kilt pins)

It sounds like fun! I’d like to come along?

You would be most welcome, please just email us to let us know that you are planning to make it at or put a comment in the comment section below.

Do bring along any broken jewellery if you have any to donate to recycle during the workshops too.


So what are the details?


Monday 3rd June 2013            from 7pm – 9.30pm

in the Main Hall of the Brighton Road Baptist Church, entrance is in New Street


Cost: FREE, however we would really appreciate a donation of at least £3 to cover basic costs such as buying all the new jewellery findings/ hall hire/ tea & cake etc. if you are able.


Basically, it’s a win-win situation. Come and learn some new jewellery skills  whilst doing something good for our community. And all for only £3 with tea or coffee and plenty of cake (not to mention fabulous company!)


Please tell all your friends about it, share this on facebook, let’s see how much jewellery we can make for Cancer Research in one evening – the more the merrier!

Make a Knitted Blanket

28 May

A four session workshop:  ***Amended Dates***

16th & 30th September and then 7th  & 21st October 2013    



with Karen Staines

7.15-9.30pm (2 ¼ hrs) at Brighton Road Baptist Church, Horsham

After the hugely successful Beginners Knitting we are now offering you the chance to build on what you have learnt and get started on your new winter blanket.

 Full size blanket v1

Come and learn how to make this beautiful blanket throw using 6 different stitches. The blanket is made up of a panel 30cm x 30cm and this can then be repeated to make a baby blanket (4 panels) or you can just keep going to whatever size you’d like!

Sample square v1

You will learn the following:

Workshop 1:          

how to cast on using the thumb method, knit a basic garter (knit) stitch square and knit a striped square.

Workshop 2:          

how to knit a stocking stitch square with a garter edging and embroider it and how to knit a moss stitch square

Workshop 3:          

how to knit a diagonal rib square and a basketweave square

Workshop 4:          

how to join your squares together and knit or crochet an edging.


Suitable for: Thisis suitable for beginners although not complete novices.  Ideally you should already be able to cast on and know how to knit in garter (knit) stitch.

Places:  limited to 8 places

Cost: £10 per workshop so a total of £40 for the 4 workshops

You will need to bring:  Needles and yarn, full details are on the booking form


Email us on if you are interested and we can send you the booking form.

Pop Up Making Corner at The Vintage and Retro Fair

23 May

When Kelly from Belle’s Events asked us to set up a Makers Corner for their first Vintage & Retro Fair in Horsham we jumped at the chance. There are going to be over 35 exhibitors and we are running a Pop-up Vintage Makes Craft Corner, very exciting! Splendid Occasions is running a Vintage tearoom, a Hair and beauty parlour plus Dawns Vintage Do has arranged a whole host of entertainment for everyone.

This is the first Fair of this kind in Horsham and hopefully will be the first of many.

21st May 2013 002

Having had a good think about what types of crafts and makes we could offer you, bearing in mind the constraints of the event and wanting it to be suitable for children and adults plus for complete beginners/ more experienced crafters ………..this is what we have come up with…

Mini workshop 1: Liberty print fabric beaded necklace or bracelet

Mini workshop 2: Kilt pin brooch using vintage linens and fabrics

Mini workshop 3: Simple Vintage Peter Pan collar

More details on each workshop to come in a seperate post.

We have made them all suitable for both total beginners to more experienced people of all ages, especially suitable for children. Come and sit a while and sew whilst you soak up the atmosphere of the fair. Why not get a cuppa and a slice of cake from the pop-up tea rooms too?  Come and channel your inner seamstress!

 22nd May 2013 008

‘Violet’ our Vintage Singer sewing machine will also be attending the fair to help you with your making.


As always we have just charged for the basic costs as we are a non-profit community project. However we are also offering  you up to a whopping 50% discount if you prebook one of our workshops before Sunday! Call it a small gift from us to you. To prebook please email us at 

Mini workshop 1: Liberty print fabric beaded necklace £10 £7 or bracelet £7 £5

Mini workshop 2: Kilt pin brooch using vintage linens and fabrics £12 £6

Mini workshop 3: Simple Vintage Peter Pan collar £15 £10


A reminder about our Craft Cafe evenings

12 May



We just wanted to remind everyone and to let those of you that are new to Make know that we also run a Craft Café. Last year this used to be a separate event but since we moved halls at the beginning of this year it was meant that we can merge the workshops with the craft café.


What is a Craft Café?

Well to put it simply it is an evening where you can bring along your latest craft project to work on, enjoy good crafting company, find inspiration, eat cake and drink tea. What more could you ask for? Come along and try it.




We originally set it up to provide our community here in Horsham with a place to be creative, have fun, feel good, and share and learn crafts skills. It is run alongside our more structured workshops that also run during the evening so it’s nice to have a look at what others are up to, our events are very informal and a lot of fun. No need to worry about getting there dead on 7pm, turn up when you can it will be great to see you!

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Where and when is it and how much does it cost?

It is only £4 for a place at Craft Cafe. All advice, tips, tea and cake and good company will of course, be free. The £4 is to cover basic costs. You don’t need to pre-book but if you can please let us know that you will be coming. You can contact us for a space by emailing us at


Dates of Craft Café nights for Summer are:

Monday 13th May 2013, 7 – 9.30pm

Monday 17th June 2013, 7 – 9.30pm

Monday 8th July 2013, 7 – 9.30pm

Monday 15th July 2013, 7 – 9.30pm


All are held at the Brighton Road Baptist Church in Horsham, off New Street.